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Mar 26, 2007

Podcast 288:

La Estacion de la Alegria, desaparecido programa de Radio Nederland de Holanda que este anyo celebra su aniversario numero 60.

Lectura Biblica: Salmo 61.

almost eleven years ago

Hi River,To begin with I would just like to thank you for undertaking this anmaizg venture of praying for a stranger a day. I only just stumbled across you today and your story has really inspired and encouraged me to start my own journey of praying for strangers. I have recently felt a call in my own life to pray for strangers, like you mentioned those special people that just stand out in a crowd. I am a Christian and am continuing to discover how powerful and positive it is to pray with and for people and that when we do it releases God to work in that persons life. Despite this I am naturally an introverted person and often when I feel a prompting from the Holy Spirit to pray for someone or give them money or something I shy away from it. I do however seek to step out on this journey of faith and break out of my comfort zone and self-centered life. Anyway, I thank you very much again for taking this step of faith and sharing your experience of praying for strangers because I believe that simple little undertakings like these can have wide-spread effects. Also you are a very talented writer and are using your gift in anmaizg ways. Keep up the good work!May God bless you and your family abundantly!Daniel, from Australia!